About the CCC
The CCC is a leading provider of vendor-neutral certification programs that empower IT and business professionals in their digital transformation journey. The CCC has been supporting the professional development of professionals since 2013, and has delivered certifications in over 75 countries across all types of industries and governmental agencies.
The CCC Approach &
The CCC operates at the forefront of IT and provides certification programs that help IT and business professionals manage the challenges modern businesses are facing.
The CCC chooses to work in areas that are related to the massive transformation organizations are undergoing to become digital leaders. The Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud, AI, and Blockchain are potential disruptors and can revolutionize the way work is being done, change business models, and requires us to rethink what we do.
The CCC Portfolio includes foundation level programs on Cloud, IoT, Big Data and Blockchain, and Professional role-based certifications for Cloud. The CCC works with over 200 registered training providers across the world to deliver in-class or virtual CCC training programs. The CCC also engages directly with professionals who are looking for self-study or online learning programs. CCC certification exams are be delivered anywhere as online (webcam) proctored exams.
It is the CCC’s mission to prepare the global workforce to deal with disruptors and challenges, and make them digital ready professionals. Therefore our mantra #RU Digital Ready?
Mark O’Loughlin
CCC Managing Director

Global recognition
The CCC issues formal certificates to IT and business professionals. These certificates are globally recognized and valued for their quality.
The CCC provides Certification Programs that help IT professionals and organizations maximize the potential of digital.
Vendor Neutral
The CCC is a Vendor Neutral and Community Driven body that works with industry leaders to develop its certification programs and thought leadership.
Role-Based knowledge and experience-based certification programs are designed for specific roles in an IT department or organization.
CCC is complementary to vendor-specific training and certification programs and maps its Certification Programs to those programs.
CCC Expert Panel
Contributors to the CCC Digital Portfolio are:
- Alexander Hernandez
- Jim Howard
- Joe Chenevey
- Christie Biehl
- Vince Lo Faso
- Kevin L. Jackson
- Mari J. Spina
- Karl Childs
- George Sawyer
- John R. Savageau
Contact us
Feel free to contact us for any questions related to accreditation, exams, syllabi, cloud skills, training providers and more.
A brief history of the CCC
2013 - CCC was founded in response to a large cloud competence development program
The CCC was founded in 2013 as a result of a cloud competence development program in ING. The CTO at that point in time, Tony Kerrison, realized that only by establishing internal cloud competencies, the ING organization would be successful in harnessing all the benefits of the cloud.
The industry gathered to respond to this challenge. Organizations including HP, VMware, Virtual Clarity, IBM, Cisco supported the creation of a training program that resulted in training over 2000 people within ING in a period of just over 6 months.
The CCC was established as an outcome of this program. ING realized that with a formal certification it would be able to both validate the skills of its professionals, but also help employees in enhancing their career. Professional certification body CompTIA also signed on to this initiative, and Cloud Essentials became the first vendor-neutral cloud certification in the market. Virtualization Essentials quickly became the second.
2014-2015 Professional Cloud Certification Programs
Following the success of the two Foundation level programs, the CCC started a series of working group sessions in Europe, Asia and North America to develop a series of role based professional level cloud programs. The working groups determined the job roles that were most affected by the transformation to cloud, and identified what was expected from these professionals in order to succeed with the cloud. This resulted in the launch of the popular Professional Cloud Service Manager, Solutions Architect, Developer, Administrator, and Security Manager programs.
2016 Big Data Foundation
The massive move to cloud resulted in large amounts of data becoming available, and organizations started to ask the CCC for guidance in this space. The Big Data Foundation was created, and Big Data Expert Mario Bojilov led the initiative for the CCC. A program was created that was so flexible that it addresses the needs of both technical as well as business audiences. Technical audience has the opportunity to dive into various big data tools, while business users focus on the business impact, benefits and adoption of Big Data. In 2017 and 2018, Big Data Foundation was the most successful program of the CCC.
2017 Internet of Things Foundation
The next evolution in technology comes from the wide-scale adoption of IoT. The CCC wants to continue to operate at the forefront of IT, and help professionals understand what IoT can mean for their career and organization. IoT Foundation provides answers to these questions and puts a context to the Internet of Things. This business program is relevant to everyone working for modern businesses that want to learn more about the implications of these modern technologies. The CCC sponsored International IoT day in 2018 and offered a large number of free certifications to the market. The IoT program was conceptualized under the authority of Sudhakar Nagasampagi.
2018 CTA and CTA+ and Mark O’Loughlin Appointed as General Manager
During the first few years of the CCC, former Microsoft veteran Marcel Heilijgers led the CCC, and helped the Council to establish a global footprint. In 2018 the CCC appointed board of the CCC Mark O’Loughlin as General Manager. Mark is one of the authors of the Professional Cloud series and a thought leader.
The CCC also refreshed the CCC-CTA program, the successor of the Cloud Essential and Virtualization Essentials certifications. CTA combines the cloud and virtualization topics in an easy to absorb and up to date foundation level program for cloud. CTA+ was introduced as a supplementary certification for professionals who want to demonstrate mastery of the cloud, beyond the foundation level.
2019 Blockchain Foundation
The CCC appointed Sherry Jacob, a senior manager in Accenture, to develop the Blockchain certification program. There are countless blockchain initiatives in the market, and many businesses fear the disruptive factor of the blockchain. The CCC conceptualized two certifications, a Foundation level first, and a Professional level second. Beginning of 2019 the Foundation level program was introduced. This certification is relevant to everyone who wants to really understand blockchain, its capabilities, potential business uses, and the critical success factors for adoption.