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Blockchain Foundation is the latest addition to the CCC portfolio

Mark O'Loughlin

Mark O'Loughlin

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It’s finally here. I am very excited to announce that the CCC is launching our latest course and accreditation for the digital age, namely the CCC Blockchain Foundation course.

The fastest growing new technology in the last decade is without a doubt blockchain. But despite its significance and wide acceptance, the majority of the entrepreneurs are yet to comprehend the capabilities and the advantages of integrating this technology into their business environment.

In a recent global survey by KPMG, leaders at technology companies surveyed show that more than 40% plan to roll out blockchain during the next three years. Furthermore, nearly half of IT executives report that they see blockchain will change the way their organizations will do business over the next three years.

According to KPMG analysis “Blockchain is increasingly being recognized as a way to drive operational efficiencies, especially with broad, distributed processes that require exchanging data with multiple internal and external parties which have traditionally been some of the most challenging to optimize”.

Meanwhile, Gartner reports on a critical challenge facing organizations; “It’s easy to be swept up in the promise and hype of blockchain, but the reality is that most solutions marketed as “blockchain” are missing key components — particularly tokenization and decentralization. This “blockchain whitewashing” creates confusion in the market for CIOs and business leaders as they assess the cost-benefit analysis of blockchain.

These are significant findings. On one hand, many organizations are bullish on blockchain and driving blockchain initiatives. However, it can be easy to get caught up in all the excitement and confusion and miss the opportunity.

By adding the CCC Blockchain Foundation course to our digital portfolio, the CCC continues to empower organizations and IT professionals in their digital transformation journey. Over two days, the CCC Blockchain Foundation provides the context of blockchain and covers the following:

  • Blockchain Overview
  • Applications and Uses of Blockchain
  • Working of Blockchain Demystified
  • Crypto Economics
  • Blockchain Alliances
  • Future of Blockchain

To find out more about blockchain and our new course join Sherry Jacob (Senior Manager at Accenture) and myself on March 5th, 2019. You can sign up here.

We will explore exactly how the CCC Blockchain Foundation program helps IT professionals and organizations realize the maximum business value with blockchain.

RU Digital Ready?

Mark O'Loughlin

About the Author

Mark O'Loughlin is the Managing Director of the CCC. Mark is internationally recognized as a global thought leader and published author in digital IT, cloud computing, DevOps, cloud service management, and IT Service Management.

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