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Big Data Analytics & Enterprise Cloud Computing

Joey van Kuilenburg

Big Data Analytics & Enterprise Cloud Computing


You’ve probably seen some cool data visualizations, and perhaps daydreamed of the day your organization’s data would be as easily computable. You’re not alone, many enterprises are falling behind the Big Data bandwagon and don’t all have clear direction to optimize their use of enterprise data as part of their cloud strategy.

Data is the “lifeblood of your business. It contains your organization’s history. And it’s trying to tell you something.” So, isn’t it time we pay attention?

In one hour, experienced data analyst Scott Mongeau, provides;

  • a brief introduction to the application of big data analytics in the organization
  • coverage of key trends in enterprise analytics (cloud analytics and solutions – SaaS, PaaS & IaaS focus)
  • insights on data analytics / data science skills for successful adoption and implementation 

About the Speaker

Scott Mongeau is Senior Business Analytics Solutions Manager at SAS, industry leader in business analytics software and services. Scott has several years’ experience managing and consulting in decision and data analytics. He’s worked with large enterprises in data analytics roles, including, DSM, Accenture, Deloitte, and Roche, and holds MBA and INFORMS Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) qualifications, amongst others.

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About the Author

Joey is a marketer who prefers to put in a bit of extra work to make an “ok” product or experience an amazing product or experience.

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