Partners of the Council
The CCC partners with organizations who share our vision to extend the competencies of IT professionals in the digital transformation domain. Through the CCC Certification Program, we aim to enable training providers, L&D departments, and technology vendors in countries across the world to ‘Digital- Ready’ the workforce and help fill the millions of unfilled jobs.
Our members range from corporations implementing CCC accredited training within their organization, to academic institutions training the new generation of IT professionals and professional associations whose work aligns with our vision to establish a standard for digital transformation.

Training Partner
Organizations who are licensed to deliver CCC training programs to the market. Authorized Training Partners may market, schedule, and organize training programs.

Courseware Partner
Organizations who develop training materials to support the CCC Operating scheme and deliver courseware to CCC Authorized Training Partners.

Exam Service Provider
Responsible for the delivery of exams. Exam Service Provider(s) have the logistical infrastructure to deliver exams to the market on a global basis.

Expert Panel Program
CCC Expert Panel Members are experts in their field and active contributors to the domain they operate in. They engage with the CCC and the market through events, blogs, webinars, and social media. Expert Panel Members act as a sounding board to the CCC, and provide formal and informal feedback to CCC Initiatives.

Associate Members
Support CCC and the overall approach to digital transformation. There are no firm obligations associated with Associate Members, but there are very interesting upsides.
For example, every Associate Member is allowed to contribute to the further development of CCC content, and thereby influence the direction CCC is taking.

Affiliate Members
Partnering through CCC’s Affiliate Program is a simple way of generating income while helping professionals like yourself upskill. Earn a flat fee of 20% in commission for each certification course purchased.
Requirements for CCC Training Programs
All levels
- Training is mandatory for all levels.
- CCC Authorized Training Partners may only provide exams to their own learners, as part of a training delivery.
- Training delivery may be in the form of classroom, virtual classroom, eLearning or a self-study program.
- Trainers delivering Associate level courses are required to have passed the exam for the program they teach with 10% higher than the passing mark. Trainers are further required to have at least 3 years experience in the domain they teach in.
The following fees apply
Annual registration fee
$50 / €50
$750 / €750
$50 / €50
$0 / €0
The ACP fee is an annual fee, and considers that an ACP submits one set of courseware for review. In case the ACP submits additional sets of courseware for review these materials will be assessed at cost basis. The rate for this is $500 / €500 per day.